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Knowledge Base

General GHG FAQ (MMSW)

What is the purpose for reporting GHG data? Why is GHG data being requested and what is trying to be measured?

GHG reporting is a requirement within the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment’s Waste Packaging and Paper Stewardship Regulation. As per section 4.6.2 of MMSW’s Waste Packaging and Paper Stewardship Plan and section 7.2(b) of collectors’ Services Agreements, GHG emissions data associated with the program’s collection and recycling of residential waste packaging and paper will begin to be collected in January 2021.

Individual GHG data will not be shared publicly. Any GHG data shared with our partner or included in MMSW’s annual report to the Ministry of Environment, is done so in aggregate form and does not include any identifying information.

For more information on the Ministry of Environment’s GHG requirement and plans, please contact the Waste Stewardship and Recycling unit.

Where does GHG emissions reporting begin and end?

The starting point of MMSW's GHG emissions reporting is the pick-up of waste packaging and paper (WPP) material at the curb, multi-family building or depot (collection). The endpoint of GHG emissions reporting is the delivery or shipment of material to end markets (post-collection). Some collectors are only required to report GHG data for collection-related activities. You will be notified by MMSW if you are required to report post-collection activities. 

What standard does MMSW use to calculate GHG emissions?

MMSW follows the WRI GHG Protocol.

Is it mandatory for all MMSW collectors to report GHG data?

Yes. Section 7.2(b) of the Services Agreement collectors sign with MMSW includes this commitment.

Is sorting, shredding, compacting and unloading of WPP part of collection-related activities/need to be reported (i.e. fuel for machinery and depot)?

Sorting, shredding, compacting and unloading of WPP is considered post-collection GHG data and is only required by those collectors currently reporting their end of life (EOL) data to MMSW. Collectors will be contacted by MMSW if they are required to report on post-collection activities. If you have not been contacted by MMSW please report only collect-related activities.

How will MMSW collectors report GHG data?

Collectors are to submit their GHG data via the WeRecycle Portal. GHG reports are due by January 31 each year.

What is the frequency of GHG reporting?

At minimum, collectors are required to report GHG emissions data annually by January 31. Collectors may submit GHG data more frequently should they wish to do so.

What is the deadline for submitting GHG data to MMSW on an annual basis?

GHG reports are due by January 31 each year.

Do collectors need to provide any supporting documentation when submitting GHG reports?

Yes, collectors are required to submit their GHG-related documentation via the portal. This may include substantiation paperwork for year over year variances.

If you report both collection and post-collection data, please compare your reported figures to the previous year and share any additional relevant information regarding what has contributed to a substantial change (+/- 20%) of YOY (year over year) totals.

If a municipality reports their own WPP collection data is it possible for a Regional Waste Authority to report GHG on their behalf, or does the reporter of WPP also have to report the GHG?

A Regional Waste Authority may report GHG data on behalf of a municipality only if that Regional Waste Authority has been delegated as a reporting partner on Appendix 5 of the municipality’s Services Agreement.

We use a subcontractor for our WPP recycling services. Would it be up to the subcontractor to report GHG data, or the local government?

Please refer to section 4.0 of your Services Agreement. Whomever is the signing partner for the Services Agreement would be responsible for ensuring the required GHG data is submitted to MMSW. Collectors who have delegated their reporting obligations to a subcontractor via Appendix 5 of their Services Agreement may have the subcontractor report GHG data on their behalf but are still ultimately responsible for ensuring accurate and timely reporting.

If collection vehicles are stored indoors, do we need to report the facilities data?

No, you do not need to include GHG data for buildings associated with maintenance or storage of collection vehicles.

If we operate both depot and curbside recycling for our municipality do we report GHG for both?


Will GHG reporting come with increased funding from MMSW? It will cost us to prepare this information.

Increase funding will not be provided for GHG reporting, as it is not a new obligation. It has always been included in the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment’s Waste Packaging and Paper Stewardship Regulation, the approved Waste Packaging and Paper Stewardship Plan and collectors’ Services Agreement since the launch of the MMSW Program.

Who should I contact if I have a question about what and how to report my GHG data?

Please contact the MMSW Greenhouse Gas Reporting team: • Email: • Phone: 1-855-886-4558 (option 4)

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