Introduction and GHG Overview (Recycle BC)
This GHG Reporting Guide is intended to act as a resource to assist you in submitting Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions data related to your business operations. This data is required by Recycle BC to allow us to calculate the GHG emissions associated with the collection and processing of residential packaging and paper product (PPP) in British Columbia, as outlined in your Statement of Work. Below you will find further description of information that is specifically requested from you as a collector in the Recycle BC program.
Reporting Frequency
We request that as an active Recycle BC collector, you submit the requested data pertaining to GHG reporting on an annual basis. However, you can choose to submit your data to us on a more frequent basis through the WeRecycle web reporting portal.
Data collection must begin January 1st to include information for the entirety of the reporting year, ending December 31st.
Deadline for submissions:
- All annual data must be submitted by January 31st of the following year
Reporting Submission
Reports will be submitted through the WeRecycle online reporting portal. If you are unsure of your login details for the portal, please contact Recycle BC’s GHG team.
Scope of Reporting - CARIP
This section is only for those participating in the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). Please note that there should be no overlap between your reporting for Recycle BC and your reporting for CARIP. The data you collect for Recycle BC should be separate from data you report on related to other waste collection services. If there is potential for overlap, contact Recycle BC for any clarifications.
Record Keeping
We recommend that you take time to collect and record your data either monthly or bi-monthly. The record keeping of this information is for your purposes only but will make it much easier when it comes time to submit your data to Recycle BC.
A few recommendations:
- Store all your requested GHG-related operations data in one location, such as in a spreadsheet so that it is easily retrievable and organized.
- While we do not require your supporting documentation to be submitted via portal, please note that it may be requested for data validation purposes.