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Knowledge Base

Regulatory Framework


About the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority (RPRA)

  • RPRA is the regulator mandated by the Government of Ontario to enforce the province’s circular economy laws.
  • Established in November 2016 to support the transition to a waste-free Ontario, RPRA administers the RRCEA and its associated regulations.
  • RPRA responsibilities include:
    • Overseeing existing waste diversion programs until they are wound up.
    • Approving wind-up plans developed by industry funding organizations and overseeing their implementation.
    • Developing and operating a registry for producers responsible for materials under the RRCEA to register and report on waste recovery.
    • Managing, analyzing, and reporting on the information in the registry.
    • Carrying out compliance and enforcement activities.
    • Fostering the circular economy to spur innovation and protect the environment.
  • For further information, call RPRA at 647-496-0530 or 833-600-0530, or visit their website: HSP section of their website.

Regulatory Framework

The RRCEA was introduced in 2016 to support Ontario’s move toward a circular economy. The HSP Regulation was published in June 2021 under the RRCEA and came into effect on October 1, 2021. As of this date, all obligated producers were required to have an HSP collection and management system in place and carry out promotion and education requirements.

The graphic below provides an overview of the regulatory framework including the roles of MECP, RPRA and individual producers. For more detailed information please visit RPRA’s website.


Individual Producer Responsibility

The HSP Regulation implements Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) which makes producers accountable and financially responsible for managing their HSP at end-of-life. It requires producers of HSP materials to:

  • Collect, manage, and/or promote the recycling or proper disposal of their HSP.
  • Meet specific material management targets (i.e. recycling targets).
  • Establish a free collection network for consumers across the province, including rural and northern communities, and Indigenous Communities located within and outside the Far North.
  • Provide promotion and education materials to increase consumer awareness about how and where to properly recycle or dispose of these products.
  • Register with Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority (RPRA) and either declare they intend to meet their obligations on their own or appoint a PRO to assist with their regulatory responsibilities.
  • Report to RPRA on both supply data and collection and management outcomes.
  • Complete a third-party audit of management activities.
  • Maintain records.
  • Provide consumers with information related to any separate fee charged in connection to the sale of HSP regarding how this fee will be used for resource recovery efforts.
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