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Knowledge Base

AMS Customer Overview

AMS, a producer-led not-for-profit organization, commenced operations on April 1, 2017 with the implementation of its approved Industry Stewardship Plan. On October 1, 2021, AMS launched services as a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) under the Hazardous and Special Products Regulation.


On behalf of producers, AMS manages a comprehensive collection, recycling and management system for antifreeze and antifreeze containers, oil filters and oil containers. We also ensure customers meet the regulatory requirements for promotion and education, performance audits and record keeping. Further information about the advantages of AMS PRO services are available on the AMS website.

All obligated producers are welcome to join us. We invite you to see our Registration Guide to learn how to make AMS your PRO.

Please review the information below to become familiar with the AMS program and your obligations to AMS as a customer.




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