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Fees and Invoices

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Obligated producers/stewards pay annual fees based on the quantities of designated packaging and paper materials they supplied to consumers for their personal, family or household use.

The annual fee setting process is designed to ensure fairness and transparency. Fee rates for designated material categories cover the costs associated with the collection, transportation and processing of designated materials. Fee rates are expressed in cents/kg and calculated for each provincial program using approved methodologies. Invoices are distributed each January. For example, 2024 invoices are based on 2023 reports of 2022 supply data. Producers can choose to receive one annual invoice or quarterly invoices and there are various payment options.

Fees between programs are generally not directly comparable given the differences in the regulatory requirements, scope, funding obligations, system costs, material recovery performance and material definitions.

Annual Fee ProcessAnnual Fee Process
Fee MethodologiesFee Methodologies
Material Fee RatesMaterial Fee Rates
Invoices and PaymentsInvoices and Payments