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Knowledge Base

Depot GHG Reporting FAQ

Are there any administrative activities included as GHG depot reporting requirements?

For depot collection please include data on fuels or electricity associated with any on-site administrative offices that are attributable to the management of SK Recycles WPP materials. This does not apply if the depot is located outdoors or at a material recovery facility (MRF).

If we have multiple depot locations should we be reporting for each or as a total for the municipality? Are separate WeRecycle Portal logins needed?

Please report GHG data for all depots combined. A separate login is not required.

What if electrical power to a depot is shared between a transfer station, landfill and recycling depot, and it is difficult to determine what proportion is attributable to the recycle depot?

A standard approach will be used for all scenarios: the relative size of all offices, indoor works areas, illuminated outdoor work yards (including storage areas but excluding the landfill itself) and depot areas associated with that account will be used to proportionally split the utility bill accordingly. For instance, if the depot has 20% of the overall square footage of the transfer station, landfill offices and workshop, then it should use 20% of its utility bill as the basis for its calculation.

If the depot material is covered but not heated (e.g. lit barn, roofed open space depot), does that count as indoor space? How do we account for this type of storage?

Please include any lighting/electricity used at this type of depot.

Our depot stores all material outside and our depot is outside. The only things inside are things like ‘oops’ notices and recycling brochures. Do we report those?

The storage of any related supplies to support the program is considered incidental therefore does not need to be included in your GHG report.

Our location includes both a drop off depot and a processing facility where material is pre-sorted and baled. Do we include information for both the depot and processing facility, or just related to the drop-off depot?

For the depot collection portion of your reporting requirements, please report information related to the drop-off depot, and not the adjacent processing facility.

Our depot is located outdoors in a parking lot/shared space not necessarily used entirely for recycling. Do I include the electricity use for lighting?

If you do not have control over the lighting, or if it would still be a lit area even if your depot was not there, you do not have to report lighting.

Are we to include maintenance and repair activities to a depot site such as site grading?

No, the activities for depots to be included would be specific to the collection of WPP. Activities like site grading are not required to be reported on.

If we are responsible for WPP hauling from our depot to the processor, do we report the hauling GHG as depot generation?

The hauling of SK Recycles-related WPP from your depot to the processor should be captured under the postcollection scope of reporting. You will be informed by SK Recycles whether you are required to report postcollection GHG data.

If I do not have my December SaskPower or SaskEnergy bill, how would I complete my reporting?

Please use your November bill amounts as inputs to your GHG report.

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