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Knowledge Base

Reporting Overview

clipboard_eee71bc77afbd93d55e5f248893b0ad4e.png Preparing Quarterly Reports for AMS

Reporting requirements are based on the amount and type of HSP supplied. The Best Practices section below can assist you in collecting and reporting the correct data. Accurate reporting ensures that you pay your fair share of fees to collect, manage and process the HSP that your organization supplies in Ontario.

Reporting Best Practices

Before beginning report preparation, the following recommended activities should be considered:

  • Determine if you wish to establish a Voluntary Reporters Agreement between yourself and one of your customers.
  • Audit all brands supplied into Ontario to determine which ones you are responsible to manage as the Brand Holder, Importer or Marketer.
    • You should remove any brands that you import from Canadian Brand Holders.
    • We recommend you notify them that they are now obligated under the HSP Regulation.
  • If you supply Antifreeze, please include factory fill in your report1
    • A new reporting category has been added in response to requests from our customers, you can now report and track factory fill quantities separately from other fluids.
    • The fee rate is the same as Antifreeze Premix.
  • Compile your supplied quantities for each material in the data period and create a data table to support easy entry into the WeRecycle Portal.

*1 In October 2021, RPRA revised guidance for factory fill -

Developing Your Reporting Methodology

The following are suggested approaches to creating a data collection methodology to support your reporting.

Using inventory counts vs the amount of fees collected from B2B customers

It is recommended that producers use their inventory counts and customer destination as a true representation of the number of units that have entered the Ontario market. We do not recommend basing your reported data on the fees collected from your customers as it is not an accurate methodology and introduces points in which calculation errors can occur.

Maintaining the brands list

Please check your brands and ensure that you are only including brands for which you are obligated. If you are a retailer, the brands you are obligated for may have changed under the new regulation because Canadian brand holders are now responsible for all their branded products supplied into Ontario. Accurate maintenance of brands will ensure you are only managing the products for which you are obligated and simplify any future audit procedures that RPRA may conduct. We ask for a list of brands in every quarterly report to assist you in staying current with your obligations

Using the WeRecycle Portal worksheets

Worksheets allow you to enter units sold of the most common container sizes for oil containers or antifreeze containers.  The worksheet will then calculate the total number of litres for all sizes entered. Please note that both the fluid content and the weight of the container is obligated under the regulation.

Data Table

As you review the HSP you’ve supplied, we recommend creating a simple summary table or spreadsheet in Excel that shows the material categories for which you are reporting, and the quantity supplied (by reporting unit) before entering data in the Portal. If you are a voluntary reporter, you may wish to create a summary table for each customer on whose behalf you are reporting.

Adjustment Policy for Submitted Reports

If an error is made in one of your reports, the AMS Customer-Initiated Adjustment policy outlines the requirements, timelines, and process to request changes.

Please contact us at or 1-888-575-4870 for a copy of the policy and the adjustment request forms. The current Adjustment Policy requires that adjustment requests for a quarterly report must be submitted within 120 calendar days of that report’s submission date. It is recommended each report be carefully reviewed before submission to ensure its accuracy.

When you receive your invoice, please ensure your reported quantities and associated fees are in line with expectations.

WeRecycle Portal

When you're ready to report, refer to the AMS Reporting Guide


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