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Provincial Requirements

What is Extended Producer Responsibility?

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a policy approach in which producers/stewards are responsible for the “end-of-life” management of the materials they supply. Circular Materials supports producers/stewards that supply packaging and paper materials to consumers in complying with their EPR obligations.

Jurisdictions around the world have been implementing EPR programs for over two decades for a variety of materials such as hazardous materials, electronics and packaging and paper. EPR effectively transfers financial responsibility for management of these materials from municipal taxpayers (who traditionally paid for residential recycling services through their municipal taxes) to the businesses that directly or indirectly supply the materials to consumers.

In Canada, EPR regulations are set at the provincial level. There are over 80 provincial stewardship programs for products ranging from used oil, electronics and paint to pharmaceuticals, beverages, packaging and single use or packaging-like products — and more are in the planning stages.

Packaging and paper EPR regulations currently exist in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon, all of which provide for either full or partial funding of the recycling system by obligated businesses. The provincial recycling regulations detail producer/steward responsibilities and designate the materials that businesses are obligated to report, pay fees for, and in some provinces, collect and manage as well.

In each province, the applicable regulation requires that producers/stewards either prepare and operate a stewardship plan for the management of their materials or join an approved stewardship plan or producer responsibility organization where applicable.

The information below details the regulations for each province where provincial stewardship programs exist.

Nova Scotia’s Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging, Paper Products and Packaging-Like Products Regulations (The Regulations), came into effect on August 2, 2023 with an implementation date set for December 1, 2025. Companies that supply designated materials which include packaging, paper products or packaging-like products comprised of paper, glass, metal or plastic or a combination thereof, were required to register with Divert NS by January 1, 2024.

Circular Materials is a registered producer responsibility organization (PRO) in Nova Scotia that is supporting producers with meeting their regulatory targets in the province. Producers that meet the obligation criteria can register with Circular Materials in Nova Scotia on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform, and enter into a National Producer Service Agreement (NPSA) with our organization. Registered Producers need to be logged in to access the NPSA.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

Nova Scotia Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Nova Scotia Regulatory Framework
Legislation Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act


Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging, Paper Products and Packaging-Like Products Regulations
Regulator/Oversight Agency Divert NS
Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Materials in Nova Scotia
Agreement Type National Producer Service Agreement
Designated Materials Circular Materials in Nova Scotia - Material List
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date December 1, 2025
Nova Scotia Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date September 1, 2024 (2023 supply data). Reporting has been delayed during program implementation
Annual Producer Report due in WeRecycle Portal May 15: if the producer elects for Circular Materials to report to Divert NS on their behalf.

May 31: if the producer elects to do their own reporting.
Annual Producer Report due to Divert NS October 1, 2024
Annual Report due to Divert NS May 31, 2027
Nova Scotia Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. Due to Nova Scotia’s program implementation being late in the year, invoicing has been delayed until 2026. Both the 2024 and 2025 Annual Producer Reports will be invoiced in January 2026. 
Fee Schedule 2026 Fee Schedule TBD.


The Government of New Brunswick amended the Designated Materials Regulation under the Clean Environment Act to establish an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for packaging and paper products in New Brunswick.

Under the Regulation, brand holders/owners that sell, offer for sale or distribute packaging and paper products in New Brunswick are required to register with Recycle NB, whether obligated or exempt.

On November 1, 2023, Circular Materials, the producer responsibility organization (PRO) in New Brunswick, launched the transition to EPR.

Producers that meet the obligation criteria can register with Circular Materials in New Brunswick on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform, and enter into a National Producer Service Agreement (NPSA) with our organization. Registered Producers need to be logged in to access the NPSA.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

New Brunswick Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
New Brunswick Regulatory Framework
Legislation Clean Environment Act
Regulation Designated Materials Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Recycle NB
Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Materials in New Brunswick
Agreement Type National Producer Services Agreement
Designated Materials Circular Materials in New Brunswick - Material List
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date 2023 (program launched in a phased approach)
New Brunswick Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date October 31, 2022

2022 annual producer report based on 2021 packaging and paper supply and is invoiced in 2023.
Annual Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 31: 2023 supply data is reported in the 2024 producer annual report due in the WeRecycle Portal.
Annual Producer Report due to Recycle NB Aggregate reporting included in Annual Report.
Annual Report due to Recycle NB April 30, 2024
New Brunswick Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. That is, the 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producer can choose quarterly or annual payments. 
Fee Schedule

2025 Fee Schedule TBD

2024 Fee Schedule

2023 Fee Schedule


Under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy, 2016 (Act), the Blue Box Regulation introduced in 2021 requires the transition of the previous partially funded program to a model operated and fully funded by producers. The regulation designates blue box materials, including packaging-like and paper products, under Ontario’s new regulatory framework for resource recovery. The Regulation makes producers resident in Canada that supply packaging and paper to Ontario consumers fully financially and operationally responsible for their products and packaging at the end of their life.

Circular Materials operates as a producer responsibility organization (PRO) in Ontario and is also the administrator of the common collection system on behalf of all PROs operating in Ontario. Starting on July 1, 2023, communities across the province began transitioning to the new framework, which will be fully implemented by January 1, 2026.

Obligated producers are required to register with the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA), the regulatory authority that provides oversight and administration of the Act.

Circular Materials can support producers in meeting their obligation criteria and meeting their management targets. Producers that meet the obligation criteria can register with Circular Materials in Ontario on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform, and enter into a National Producer Service Agreement (NPSA) with our organization. Registered producers need to be logged in to access the NPSA.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

Ontario Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Ontario Regulatory Framework
Legislation Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA)
Regulation Blue Box Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority
Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Materials Ontario
Agreement Type National Producer Services Agreement
Designated Materials Circular Materials in Ontario – Material List
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date July 1, 2023 (transition period is 3 years full EPR by 2026)
Ontario Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date April 30, 2022

2022 annual producer report is based on 2021 packaging and paper supply data and is invoiced in 2023.
Annual Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 15: if producer elects to have Circular Materials report to RPRA on their behalf

May 31: if the producer elects to do their own reporting.
Annual Producer Report Due to RPRA May 31
Annual Report Due to RPRA May 31
Ontario Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with the annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. That is, the 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producer can choose quarterly or annual payments.
Fee Schedule The Fee Schedules for the Circular Materials in Ontario program are accessible via the WeRecycle Portal.


In response to Manitoba’s House Packaging & Paper Stewardship Program Regulations, Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM) was created as an industry-run not-for-profit organization to develop a stewardship plan in accordance with the regulation.

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc. (MMSM) is the not-for-profit, industry-funded organization that funds and provides support for the province’s residential recycling programs for packaging and printed paper. MMSM works on behalf of the manufacturers, retailers and other organizations that supply packaging and printed paper to Manitobans. As an organization that represents steward interests and acts on behalf of stewards, MMSM prepared a stewardship plan on behalf of their members and consulted with stakeholders.

MMSM offers the only plan in Manitoba that is approved by the province’s Ministry of Environment and was launched in 2010. The program helps stewards to fulfill their obligations by funding up to 80% of the residential recycling program in the province.

Stewards that meet the obligation criteria can register with MMSM on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform.

MMSM is in the process of transitioning to a fully funded extended producer responsibility (EPR) program. The organization has completed consultations and has developed and submitted a plan to the provincial government that provides for the transition to 100% steward funding.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

Manitoba Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Manitoba Regulatory Framework
Legislation The Waste Reduction & Prevention Act
Regulation Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Department of Environment and Climate Change
Recycling Program Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba
Agreement Type Program Rules
Designated Materials Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba – Material List
Share of Obligation 80% industry funded
Program Implementation Date April 1, 2010
Manitoba Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement 2010
Annual Producer Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 31: 2023 supply data is reported in the 2024 producer annual report due in the WeRecycle Portal.
Annual Producer Report Due to the Department of Environment and Climate Change N/A
Annual Report due to the Department of Environment and Climate Change N/A
Manitoba Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producer can choose quarterly or annual payments.
Fee Schedule

2025 Fee Schedule TBD

2024 Fee Schedule

2023 Fee Schedule

2022 Fee Schedule

2021 Fee Schedule

2020 Fee Schedule

2019 Fee Schedule

2018 Fee Schedule


In response to Saskatchewan’s Household Packaging & Paper Stewardship Program Regulations, Multi-Material Stewardship Western (MMSW) was created as an industry-run not-for-profit organization to develop a stewardship plan in accordance with the regulation. As an organization that represents producer interests and acts on behalf of producers, MMSW prepared a stewardship plan on behalf of their members and consulted with stakeholders.

MMSW offers the only plan in Saskatchewan that is approved by the province’s Ministry of Environment and was launched in 2016. The program helps producers to fulfill their obligations by funding up to 75% of the residential recycling program in the province.

Producers that meet the obligation criteria in Saskatchewan can register with MMSW on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform.

MMSW is in the process of transitioning to a fully funded extended producer responsibility (EPR) program. Circular Materials and MMSW are working together to provide Saskatchewan residents and producers with the benefits of a nationally integrated approach to recycling.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

Saskatchewan regulatory framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Saskatchewan regulatory framework
Legislation The Environmental Management & Protection Act
Regulation The Household Packaging & Paper Stewardship Program Regulations
Regulator/Oversight Agency Ministry of Environment
Recycling Program Multi-Material Stewardship Western
Agreement Type Membership Agreement
Designated Materials Multi-Material Stewardship Western – Material List
Share of Obligation 75% industry funded
Program Implementation Date 2016
Saskatchewan Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date 2014
Annual Producer Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 31: 2023 supply data is reported in the 2024 producer annual report due in the WeRecycle Portal.
Annual Producer Report Due to the Ministry of Environment N/A
Annual Report Due to the Ministry of Environment N/A
Saskatchewan Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producer can choose quarterly or annual payments
Fee Schedule

2025 Fee Rates TBD

2024 Fee Rates

2023 Fee Rates

2022 Fee Rates

2021 Fee Rates

2020 Fee Rates

2019 Fee Rates

2018 Fee Rates


Alberta’s new Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation came into effect on November 30, 2022, with the transition to extended producer responsibility (EPR) launching in April 2025. With this new framework for packaging and paper, the province is taking a step towards implementing EPR. Companies that supply designated materials which include packaging, paper products, or packaging-like products comprised of paper, glass, metal or plastic or a combination thereof may be an obligated producer. Producers in Alberta are required to register with Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA), the authority overseeing the implementation of EPR in the province by March 1, 2024.

Circular Materials is a registered producer responsibility organization (PRO) in Alberta that can support producers in meeting their regulatory targets. Producers that meet the obligation criteria can register with Circular Materials in Alberta on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform, and enter into a National Producer Service Agreement (NPSA) with our organization. Registered Producers need to be logged in to access the NPSA.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page. Alberta Bylaws and information for producers are also available to guide producers in determining their obligation. 

Alberta Regulatory Framework. Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Alberta Regulatory Framework
Legislation Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
Regulation Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA)
Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Materials in Alberta
Agreement Type National Producer Services Agreement
Designated Materials Circular Materials in Alberta – Material List
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date April 1, 2025
Alberta Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date 2023: Annual Producer report based on 2022 packaging and paper supply is due to ARMA.

2024: Annual Producer report based on 2023 packaging and paper supply data informs 2025 invoice
Annual Producer Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 31, 2024: 2022 and 2023 supply data (based on 2023 and 2024 Reports) is due to Circular Materials.

May 15: Annual Producer Reports are due if producer elects to have Circular Materials report to ARMA on their behalf.

May 31: 2023 supply data is reported within the 2024 producer annual report due to the WeRecycle Portal.
Annual Producer Report Due to ARMA June 30, 2024
Annual Report Due to ARMA June 30, 2024 (included in Producer Report)
Alberta Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producer can choose quarterly or annual payments.
Fee Schedule 2025 Fee Schedule TBD


Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia. Launched in May 2014 in response to British Columbia's Recycling Regulation the Recycle BC Program Plan was the first fully funded extended producer responsibility (EPR) program in North America.

The Program Plan that was developed by Recycle BC on behalf of producers is the only plan in BC that is approved by the province’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The program helps producers to fulfill their obligations by fully funding the residential recycling program in the province.

Producers that meet the obligation criteria can register with Recycle BC on our WeRecycle Portal, a secure national reporting platform.

For guidance on determining your obligations, visit our Determining Your Obligation page.

British Columbia Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
British Columbia Regulatory Framework
Legislation Environmental Management Act
Regulation BC Recycling Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Recycling Program Recycle BC
Agreement Type Membership Agreement
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date 2014
British Columbia Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date 2013
Annual Producer Report Due in WeRecycle Portal May 31: 2023 supply data is reported within the 2024 producer annual report due in the WeRecycle Portal.
Annual Producer Report Due to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy N/A
Annual Report Due to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy N/A
British Columbia Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoices associated with annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. The 2024 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2025. Producers can choose quarterly or annual payments.
Fee Schedule

2025 Fee Schedule TBD

2024 Fee Schedule

2023 Fee Schedule

2022 Fee Schedule

2021 Fee Schedule

2020 Fee Schedule

2019 Fee Schedule

2018 Fee Schedule


On January 25, 2024, the Government of the Yukon government released its Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulation making it the first territory in Canada to approve an EPR Regulation. Program implementation is scheduled for October 1, 2025. Circular Materials will act as a producer responsibility organization in the Yukon to support producers in meeting their regulatory requirements. Producers/stewards can register with Circular Materials if they are a designated steward who supplies paper products and packaging such as primary, convenience and transport packaging, with a defined exclusion for beverage containers and hazardous and special products category defined in the Regulation. For a list of obligated materials please visit obligated_products.pdf (

Yukon Regulatory Framework, Annual Reporting, Invoicing & Fees
Yukon Regulatory Framework
Legislation Environment Act
Regulation Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation
Regulator/Oversight Agency Ministry of the Environment
Producer Responsibility Organization Circular Materials in Yukon
Agreement Type National Producer Services Agreement
Designated Materials Circular Materials in the Yukon - Material List
Share of Obligation 100% industry funded
Program Implementation Date By October 1, 2025, or 9 months after plan approval
Yukon Annual Reporting Key Dates
Producer Reporting Commencement Date May 31, 2025 (based on 2024 supply data)
Annual Producer Report due in WeRecycle Portal May 15, 2025
Annual Producer Report due to the Ministry of Environment May 15, 2025
Annual Report due to the Ministry of Environment July 1, 2026
Yukon Invoicing and Fee Schedule
Invoicing Invoicing will begin January 1, 2026. Invoices associated with the annual producer report are issued in the subsequent calendar year. That is, the 2025 Annual Producer Report is invoiced on January 1, 2026. Producers can choose quarterly or annual payments.
Fee Schedule 2026 Fee Schedule TBD


Note: Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) operates the EPR program in Quebec. Please visit their website for more information.