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Knowledge Base

AMS Service Provider Guide

clipboard_eee71bc77afbd93d55e5f248893b0ad4e.pngAutomotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is a national, not-for-profit organization that manages the collection and recycling of used antifreeze, oil filters and oil containers on behalf of producers. Industry-led and industry-funded, AMS helps businesses contribute to a circular economy by taking responsibility for the automotive waste materials supplied to Ontarians. AMS helps create convenient, environmentally sustainable ways for consumers and businesses to recycle automotive waste in order to divert these materials from landfill. 

AMS contracts Service Providers to collect and recycle automotive materials. Reports submitted by Service Providers are essential to the successful operation of the program. To support Service Providers in submitting reports, AMS has published the content below, including:

  1. Service Provider Reporting Requirements introduces the AMS program and outlines Service Providers’ obligations
  2. AMS WeRecycle Portal User Guide shows Service Providers how to submit reports and manage their account online

If you are ready to report now, refer to the applicable instructions:

To learn more about Service Providers and AMS:

  • Choose the ‘All Articles’ tab below to browse all information for AMS Service Providers
  • Choose the ‘Learning Paths’ tab below to review information tailored for specific kinds of Service Providers

For support, please contact Service Provider Reporting at:

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